Raisin Bread with FrostingWhat is better than hot fresh homemade sweet rolls for breakfast? Or sticky buns right out of the oven. Did you know they are fast and easy to make at home? Video Breakfast Baking shows how to make a variety of delicious breakfast baked goods. No previous experience is required. That’s right. Even if you have never baked before.

Video Breakfast Baking is a cooking class that you take at home, in your spare time and at your own pace. It is visual step-by-step instruction. Learn the science of what goes on and why in the baking process. Yeast baking by hand, using a bread maker and with a mixing machine. When and why to use baking powder vs. baking soda. How to save money when purchasing ingredients.

Video Breakfast Baking makes sweet rolls, cranberry bread, sticky/honey buns. A variety of muffins - blueberry, banana nut, bran, chocolate and blackberry. Also, a good old-fashioned coffee cake.

Learn to make muffins once a week and have them on hand for a quick breakfast. When you bake your own, you can choose to use ingredients that commercial bakeries might consider too expensive.

Treat yourself and your family to better breakfast baked goods than you can buy. Start breakfast baking at home today!

Number DVD/VC 641.815 V65r)

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