First Loaf (37min DVD)
More and more people are making their own bread today. If you have been wanting
to give bread baking a try, this is the title for you. Learn right from the
Video Bread Novice shows how to make a basic loaf of white bread. The process is
explained in detail from start to finished loaf. Learn to proof your yeast and
gain a through understanding of its function in bread baking. How the gluten in
flour forms the structure of the finished loaf. How to knead dough and for how
long. How to shape your loaf. How long to bake and at what temperature.
Video Bread Novice is visual step-by-step instruction. It’s a cooking class that
you take at home, in your spare time and at your own pace. No previous baking
experience is required.
Video Bread Novice will encourage you to learn more about bread baking. Maybe
you have not made bread for years and just need a refresher course. Maybe you
have never made bread before. There is always more to learn and today is a good
day to start. It’s great fun.
Bread baking is a craft. You can make better more nutritious bread than you can
buy. Cost is another incentive for making your own bread. A good loaf of bread
in the store is not cheap anymore.
Start baking today!

(DDS - Cataloging
Information/Call Number DVD/VC 641.815 V65r)
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1990-2021 Video Bread
Better bread baking starts
with Video Bread. The recipe for success!